Absence & Medication
If your child is ill or has an affliction that requires the aid of medication to enable them to attend school, where appropriate Eastbury Farm staff will administer prescription and non-prescription medication with your written parental permission. Please complete a Request for School to Administer Medication Form (see below) and deliver it to the school office with your child’s medication in the original packaging, complete with the correct spoon or syringe for administration.
The school uses MedicalTracker programme to communicate with parents regarding injuries and medication.
When your Child is Ill......
This guidance has been provided to schools by the Health Protection Agency and may help you to decide how long you should keep your child at home when they are ill.
This is the advice followed by Eastbury Farm School and this is what we will tell you if you ask the school office how long your child should be kept at home after any infectious illness.
Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Child Care Settings
The document has been written for school use hence the frequent references to the HPU (Health Protection Unit). The HPU does not have a telephone service for the general public but the Health Protection Agency does have an excellent website, www.hpa.org.uk. If you need phone advice you should contact your own doctor or NHS Direct on 0845 4647.